Migraine Surgery

Migraine Surgery

A Life-Changing Solution for Migraine Relief

Migraine is a debilitating condition characterized by severe headaches lasting from 4 hours to 3 days, often accompanied by symptoms like nausea, vision disturbances, sensitivity to light or sound, and vomiting. Affecting 1 in 7 people worldwide and over 6 million in the UK, migraines can profoundly impact daily life, work, and mental health.

For over 30% of patients, traditional drug therapies fail to provide sufficient relief. Medications can have limited effectiveness, take time to work, and may cause side effects such as drowsiness, weight gain, memory loss, or hair loss. Many are also unsuitable for individuals who are pregnant or have pre-existing conditions like heart disease or a history of stroke.

Migraine Surgery offers an innovative and scientifically proven alternative, helping many patients significantly reduce or even eliminate migraines without ongoing reliance on medication.

What Is Migraine Surgery?

Migraine Surgery involves relieving pressure on specific nerves in the brow, temple, or neck through small, nearly invisible incisions. This minimally invasive procedure is backed by over 20 years of high-quality research and is endorsed by the American Association of Plastic Surgeons as a safe and effective treatment option.

Mr. Kosutic, one of the UK’s leading surgeons with extensive experience in Migraine Surgery, performs this procedure with exceptional care and precision, offering patients a pathway to lasting relief from migraine headaches.

How Is Migraine Surgery Performed?

Migraine Surgery targets entrapped nerves in specific areas associated with different types of migraines:

  • Frontal migraines: Addressed through the brow.
  • Temporal migraines: Treated via the temple.
  • Occipital migraines: Managed at the back of the neck.

Small incisions are made in discreet areas, such as the eyelid, brow, or hairline, leaving nearly invisible scars. The procedure typically lasts 60–90 minutes, is performed under local or general anesthesia, and is completed as a day case. Patients usually recover within 7–10 days.

Proven Results of migraine surgery
  • Up to 58% of patients experience complete elimination of migraines.
  • Around 84% of patients report significant reductions in severity and frequency.
  • Long-term studies confirm lasting effectiveness.
Benefits of Migraine Surgery
  • Minimal scarring with incisions hidden in natural creases or hairlines.
  • Quick recovery time and minimal complications.
  • Highly effective, with long-lasting results.
  • Reduces dependency on medications and their associated side effects.


Migraine Surgery is typically performed as a day-case procedure, meaning most patients return home the same day. However, your surgeon may recommend an overnight stay if necessary.

The scars are very small and discreet, often hidden within the hairline or natural skin creases, making them nearly invisible once healed.

The procedure aims to alleviate or significantly reduce the frequency, severity, and duration of migraines in patients who have not responded to other treatments.

Migraine Surgery is supported by over two decades of research, including clinical trials and long-term studies. It is recognized as a safe and effective treatment by leading medical organizations.


Inverted nipples can occur naturally or may be the result of factors such as tight or shortened milk ducts, underdeveloped nipple tissue, scarring from previous trauma or surgeries, or certain medical conditions. The exact cause of inverted nipples can vary from person to person.

Inverted nipple correction is a relatively common procedure. Many individuals seek this surgery to address cosmetic concerns or difficulties with breastfeeding or self-confidence related to inverted nipples.

In some cases, inverted nipple correction can improve the ability to breastfeed by releasing constricted tissues and allowing the nipple to protrude outward. However, the impact on breastfeeding can vary depending on individual anatomy and other factors. It’s important to discuss your specific situation with a healthcare professional.

Inverted nipple correction surgery generally has a low risk of affecting nipple sensation. However, there is a small possibility of temporary or permanent changes in nipple sensation, including increased or decreased sensitivity. Discuss any concerns about nipple sensation with your surgeon during the consultation.

While inverted nipple correction surgery aims to provide long-lasting results, there is a small risk of recurrence, especially in cases where the inversion is caused by tight or shortened milk ducts. Recurrence rates vary depending on individual factors, and revision surgery may be necessary in rare cases.

Inverted nipple correction surgery involves making small incisions, typically around the base of the nipple or along the edge of the areola. With proper surgical technique and care, scars can be well-concealed and fade over time. Your surgeon will make efforts to minimize visible scarring and provide guidance on scar management.

Yes, inverted nipple correction can be performed on one nipple only, depending on your needs and preferences. Your surgeon will assess your individual case and discuss the best approach for achieving symmetry and the desired outcome.

You can typically see some initial improvement immediately after the surgery. However, it may take a few weeks or months for the swelling to fully subside and for the final results to become apparent. The healing process and timing of final results can vary among individuals.

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